Friday, September 02, 2011

Ramona's Reading Test

Ramona took a reading test through her K12 teacher on Thursday.  The state decided to test kids in grades 1-4  in an effort to diagnose kids with reading problems.  I made it clear that I wasn't happy about the test for a few reasons.   First, she is extremely shy and she really didn't want to read to a "stranger" whether it was over the computer or in person.     Second, we are not doing any of our Language Arts through K12, so I didn't feel like they needed to take the initiative to test her.   Third, when we signed up for K12 through the state we agreed to testing at the end of the year for subjects we take through the State only.   That would be Science since they don't test for Music or Art.   And fourth, I told the teacher that her reading was fine and I didn't feel like she needed the test.   

At any rate, she did take the test.  In a web conference with her teacher she was given material she had never seen before and asked to read it.   She did so well the teacher then gave her the 5th grade test, and then the 6th grade test.   The teacher was very impressed  and told me we needed to keep doing whatever we've been doing.  I told her that we intended to.   She also asked if we read aloud to her often and I told her we did.  She said she could usually tell the kids who had been read aloud to a lot because not only are they advanced readers, but they read with expression.    That made me smile. 

I did like her teacher, she was very nice.   It's hard to give up control on these little things like the reading test, but I'm happy that we have a great teacher to work with.     

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